Our Story

Hi and welcome to our store! We are a small online retailer located in the heart of the Midwest (central IL). We have a diverse background in retail and design, so we combined the two into KPStudio Designs! This opportunity has allowed us to share our designs with everyone that browses our store. Our store includes one-of-a-kind designs from us, plus tried and true designs. Eye-catching designs on quality products: what could be better?!

And, we are happy to create a design specifically for you - all you have to do is email us with the details.

Part of our mission with KPStudio Designs is to be able to give back to the communities that support us. For every sale we make, a percentage goes to charitable organizations. We are always looking for charitable organizations that are in need of support. If you have a suggestion, or would like us to help support your organization, drop us a line!

Thank you for being part of this adventure with us and we hope to meet you soon!